TB to MB Conversion | Terabytes to Megabytes Converter

Terabytes to Megabytes Converter

TB to MB Converter

1 TB = 1,000,000 MB (in Decimal)

1 TB = 1,048,576 MB (in Binary)



Terabyte (TB) is an electronic standard instrument that will be used widely in the near term to measure machine RAM, etc., but is now being used for measurement digitally in online libraries, digital archives, etc. The equivalent of 1 terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. However 1 TB is 240 or 10244 bytes, which is equivalent to 1,099,511,627,776 bytes for information technology and computer studies.


Megabyte (MB) is a unit of transferred or stored digital information, which is extensively used in information and computer technology. In SI, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes. At the same time, practically 1 megabyte is used as 2 20  B, which means 1,048,576 bytes. Nowadays, the amount of information measured by megabytes is used for representing the size of a typical MP3 file, the size of a JPEG image, and so on.

You can also convert TB to MB using our Rank notebook conversion tool easily. In Rank notebook tool you can do any type of conversion without any fail.

How many Megabytes in a Terabyte

1 Terabyte is equal to 1000000 megabytes (decimal).

1 TB = 10 6  MB in base 10 (SI).

1 Terabyte is equal to 1048576 megabytes (binary).

1 TB = 2 20  MB in base 2.

How to Calculate Terabytes to Megabytes

Terabyte in SI

1 Terabyte = 1000 4 bytes

We know that 1MB = 1000 2 bytes, so

1 byte = 1000 -2 megabytes

putting 1 byte in terabyte equation;

1 Terabyte = 1000 4 * 1000 -2 MB

1 Terabyte = 1000 2 Megabytes

1 Terabyte = 1,000,000 Megabytes

TB to MB in Base 2

Terabyte in base 2

1 Terabyte = 2 40 bytes

1 Terabyte = 1024 4 bytes

1 byte = 1024 -2 MB

1 Terabyte = 1024 4 * 1024 -2 MB

1 Terabyte = 1024 2 Megabytes

1 Terabyte = 2 20 Megabytes

1 Terabyte = 1,048,576 Megabytes

TB to MB Conversion