Mbps to kBps Conversion | Megabits per second to kilobyte per second

Megabits per second to kilobyte per second Converter

Mbps to kBps Converter

1 Mbps = 125 kB/s


Megabits per second, One megabit are equivalent to 1 million bits or 1,000 kilobits. "While" megabit "sounds similar to" megabyte, "since there are eight bits in a byte, a megabit is around one eighth the size of a megabyte. Mbps is used to calculate high-bandwidth link data transfer rates, such as Ethernet and cable modems. 1 Megabyte is equivalent to 8,000,000 bits per second per second. 1000 ^ 2 bytes are contained in a megabyte; to get bits, multiply bytes by 8. The SI base unit of time is a second. 1 MB / s = 8000000 bit/s.

Kilobyte per second (kB/s) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to:

  • 8,000 bits per second
  • 1,000 bytes per second
  • 8 kilobits per second

1 Kilobyte/sec is equal to (8 × Megabit/sec) / 1000.

1 Megabit/s = 125 Kilobytes/sec.

Mbps : Megabit per second (Mbit/s or Mb/s)

kB/s : Kilobyte per second

  1. 1 byte = 8 bits
  2. 1 bit = (1/8) bytes
  3. 1 bit = 0.125 bytes
  4. 1 kilobyte = 10001 bytes
  5. 1 megabit = 10002 bits
  6. 1 megabit = (1000 / 8) kilobytes
  7. 1 megabit = 125 kilobytes
  8. 1 megabit/second = 125 kilobytes/second
  9. 1 Mbps = 125 kB/s

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Mbps to KB/s Conversion