Mbps to MB/s Conversion | Megabits per second to Megabytes per second

Megabits per second to Megabytes per second Converter

Mbps to MB/s Converter

1 Mbps = 0.125 MB/s


Megabits per second (mbps) are typically used to describe the Internet link speed, while megabytes (MB) are generally used to describe the data rate or storage capacity.

1 Megabyte/sec is equal to 8 × Megabit/sec.

1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/sec.

  • Mbps : Megabit per second (Mbit/s or Mb/s)
  • MB/s : Megabyte per second
  • 1 byte = 8 bits
  • 1 bit = (1/8) bytes
  • 1 bit = 0.125 bytes
  • 1 megabyte = 10002 bytes
  • 1 megabit = 10002 bits
  • 1 megabit = 0.125 megabytes
  • 1 megabit/second = 0.125 megabytes/second
  • 1 Mbps = 0.125 MB/s

Megabits per second to MB/s Examples

ADSL 8.0 Mbit/s has 1 MB/s download rate and 1.0 Mbit/s = 0.125 MB/s upload rate.

ADSL 12.0 Mbit/s has 1.5 MB/s download rate and 1.0 Mbit/s = 0.1625 MB/s upload rate.

ADSL 24.0 Mbit/s has 3 MB/s download rates and 3.3 Mbit/s = 0.4125 MB/s upload rate.

USB 2.0 transmission speed 480 Mbit/s = 60 MB/s.

For all forms of measuring units from MBPS to MBS RankNotebook offers an online conversion calculator. SI Units, English units, money, and other details can be found in metric conversion tables. Form unit symbols, abbreviations or complete names for length, area, weight, pressure and other types of units.

Mbps to MB/s Conversion