MB to Bytes Conversion | Megabytes to Bytes Converter

Megabytes to Bytes Converter

MB to Bytes Converter

1 MB = 1,000,000 Bytes (in Decimal)

1 MB = 1,048,576 Bytes (in Binary)



Megabyte is a multimedia processing device that is widely used in information and data technology, it is transmitted or stored. SI is equivalent to a megabyte of 1,000,000 bytes. Almost 1 megabyte is also used as 220 B, that is 1,048,576 octets. The quantity of measured information is currently used to show the size of a standard MP3 file, the size of the image, etc.


A byte is the fundamental computer science data storage measuring unit. It is a storage unit composed of 8 bits in several computing devices.

Since a large part of the software and electronics industries uses machine memory in base two rather than 10, the binary figures use SI prefixes amounts while the data storage system manufacturers use the SI values.

Megabyte in SI and base 10 (decimal)

1 Megabyte = 1000000 bytes

Megabyte in base 2 (binary)

1 Megabyte = 10242 bytes

1 Megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes

Byte is the base unit

1 Byte = 8 bits

Megabytes to Bytes Examples

1.2 MB = 1,200,000 bytes (SI) or 1,258,291 bytes (binary)

1.5 MB = 1,500,000 bytes (SI) or 1,572,864 bytes (binary)

1.8 MB = 1,800,000 bytes (SI) or 1,887,437 bytes (binary)

For all forms of measuring units from MB to Bytes RankNotebook offers an online conversion calculator. SI Units, English units, money, and other details can be found in metric conversion tables. Form unit symbols, abbreviations or complete names for length, area, weight, pressure and other types of units.

MB to Bytes Conversion