MB to GB Conversion | Megabytes to Gigabytes Converter

Megabytes to Gigabytes Converter

MB to GB Converter

1 MB = 0.001 GB (in Decimal)

1 MB = 0.000976563 GB (in Binary)



Megabyte is a multimedia processing device that is widely used in information and data technology, it is transmitted or stored. SI is equivalent to a megabyte of 1,000,000 bytes. Almost 1 megabyte is also used as 220 B, that is 1,048,576 octets.


GB is one of the most widely used digital data units equal to 1 thousand thousand thousand bytes. In the field of computer, the value of 1 GB is equivalent to 230 bytes, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. GB is also used to mean memory capacity or film capacity, machine RAM, etc. GB is sometimes used.

Calculate Megabytes to Gigabytes

Megabyte in SI

1 Megabyte = 10002 bytes

We know that 1GB = 10003 bytes, so

1 byte = 1000-3 GB

putting 1 byte in megabyte equation;

1 Megabyte = 10002 * 1000-3 GB

1 Megabyte = 1000-1 Gigabytes

1 Megabyte = 0.001 Gigabytes

MB to GB in Base 2

1 Megabyte = 220 bytes

1 Megabyte = 10242 bytes

1 byte = 1024-3 GB

1 Megabyte = 10242 * 1024-3 GB

1 Megabyte = 1024-1 Gigabytes

1 Megabyte = 2-10 Gigabytes

1 Megabyte = 0.0009765625 Gigabytes

For all forms of measuring units from MB to GB RankNotebook offers an online conversion calculator. SI Units, English units, money, and other details can be found in metric conversion tables. Form unit symbols, abbreviations or complete names for length, area, weight, pressure and other types of units.

MB to GB Conversion